Sentinel Advisory Group offers a wide range of independent products and services. Whether utilizing mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds, individual equities, bonds or various other investment solutions, we can design and customize investment portfolios that address your unique risk profiles, time horizons and goals. We believe a clear investment process, combined with years of experience should lead to better investment decisions.
Your customized portfolio will be designed using both in-house and external research and will be diversified across a variety of market sectors and a broad spectrum of investment products that may include:
- Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, ETFs, UITs and CEFs
- Private Equity and Hedge Funds
- Pensions, IRA, SEP, 401k, 403b, Roth
- Municipal bonds and other tax efficient investments
- Variable, Fixed and Index Annuities
- 529, UGMA & Trust Accounts